draw Rect

Draw an ouline around a rectangle with a pixel color.


A rectangular outline is drawn in an image. The line width of the outline is one pixel wide drawn with the color you choose.


  • x: a number that’s the horizontal pixel location of the upper-left corner of the rectangle to draw.
  • y: a number that’s the vertical pixel location of the upper-left corner of the rectangle to draw.
  • w: a number that’s the width in pixels of the rectangle.
  • h: a number that’s the height in pixels of the rectangle.
  • c: the number of the color to draw the rectangular outline with. Color numbers are value between 0 and 15 which select a color from the current palette of colors.


Fill an entire image with all blue pixels. Draw a red outline around the image.

let showBlue: Sprite = null
let blueRect: Image = null
blueRect = image.create(32, 32)
blueRect.drawRect(0, 0, 32, 32, 10)
showBlue = sprites.create(blueRect)

See also

fill rect, draw line