Review: Functionally the Same

Functions allow for code to be structured and reused. In this example, start by refactoring (restructuring) the provided code, and then adding some additional functionality on top.

Functions Review

Starter Code

let mySprite: Sprite = null
let index = 0
controller.up.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {
    mySprite.say("teleporting!", 1000)
    for (let index = 0; index <= 40; index++) {
        pause(Math.max(300 - 15 * index, 30))
    mySprite.setPosition(randint(10, scene.screenWidth() - 10), randint(10, scene.screenHeight() - 10))
controller.left.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {
    mySprite.say("teleporting!", 1000)
    for (let index = 0; index <= 40; index++) {
        pause(Math.max(300 - 15 * index, 30))
    mySprite.setPosition(randint(10, scene.screenWidth() - 10), randint(10, scene.screenHeight() - 10))
controller.right.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {
    mySprite.say("teleporting!", 1000)
    for (let index = 0; index <= 40; index++) {
        pause(Math.max(300 - 15 * index, 30))
    mySprite.setPosition(randint(10, scene.screenWidth() - 10), randint(10, scene.screenHeight() - 10))
controller.down.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {
    mySprite.say("teleporting!", 1000)
    for (let index = 0; index <= 40; index++) {
        pause(Math.max(300 - 15 * index, 30))
    mySprite.setPosition(randint(10, scene.screenWidth() - 10), randint(10, scene.screenHeight() - 10))
mySprite = sprites.create(img`
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
. . . . . . f f f f . . . . . .
. . . . f f f 2 2 f f f . . . .
. . . f f f 2 2 2 2 f f f . . .
. . f f f e e e e e e f f f . .
. . f f e 2 2 2 2 2 2 e e f . .
. f f e 2 f f f f f f 2 e f f .
. f f f f f e e e e f f f f f .
. . f e f b f 4 4 f b f e f . .
. f f e 4 1 f d d f 1 4 e f . .
f d f f e 4 d d d d 4 e f e . .
f b f e f 2 2 2 2 e d d 4 e . .
f b f 4 f 2 2 2 2 e d d e . . .
f c f . f 4 4 5 5 f e e . . . .
. f f . f f f f f f f . . . . .
. . . . f f f . . . . . . . . .
`, SpriteKind.Player)

Student Task #1: Refactoring

Start with the code above. It has the same action described for when any of the arrow keys are pressed, but cannot use ||controller:on any button pressed|| because the player is not suppposed to teleport when ||controller:A|| or ||controller:B|| is pressed.

  1. Create a function, ||functions:teleport||, and duplicate the code from the ||controller:on left button pressed|| event into that event
  2. Replace the blocks inside the ||controller:on left button pressed|| event with ||functions:call function teleport||
  3. Identify whether the code will behave the same way now as it did before ||functions:teleport|| was created
  4. Replace the blocks in the 3 other ||controller:controller|| events with ||functions:call function teleport||

At this point, compare your solution to this task to the provided code:

  • is it easier or harder to identify what the ||controller:controller events|| do?
  • which version has more blocks?
  • if you wanted to make the player spin less before teleporting by changing the value in the ||loops:for index|| loop, which version is easier to change?

Student Task #2: ||controller:A|| and ||controller:B||

Add behavior for a ||controller:A|| and ||controller:B|| to the game

  1. Create a new function called ||functions:wizard||. Place ||functions:call function wizard|| in both a ||controller:on A button pressed|| and a ||controller:on B button pressed||
  2. In ||functions:wizard||, create a ||logic:if then ... else||. Replace ||logic:true|| with ||math:0 % chance||, and change 0 to 50
  3. In the ||logic:if then|| section, make ||variables:mySprite|| move in a square
  4. In the ||logic:else|| section, make ||variables:mySprite|| fire out a blast of sunshine

The exact way you choose to implement steps 3 and 4 is up to you, but the way we did it is listed below

To make the sprite move in a square, you can:

  1. ||sprites:change mySprite x by -10||, then ||loops:pause|| for 250 ms
  2. ||sprites:change mySprite y by -10||, then ||loops:pause|| for 250 ms
  3. ||sprites:change mySprite x by 10||, then ||loops:pause|| for 250 ms
  4. ||sprites:change mySprite y by 10||

To fire out a blast of sunshine:

  1. Get a ||loops:repeat 40 times|| loop
  2. Inside the loop, create a ||sprites:projectile||, with an image of a single yellow pixel
  3. Set the ||sprites:vx|| and ||sprites:vy|| in the ||sprites:projectile|| to be random values using ||math:pick random -75 to 75||
  4. Click the + in ||sprites:projectile|| and make the projectile come ||sprites:from sprite|| ||variables:mySprite||
  5. Get ||sprites:set mySprite auto destroy||, change ||variables:mySprite|| to ||variables:projectile||, change ||sprites:auto destroy|| to ||sprites:ghost||, and turn it on

Student Task #3: Teleport Sunshine

After seeing the blast of sunshine from the ||functions:wizard||, we want to add it to the teleportation. To do so, we will move both the possible actions from ||functions:wizard|| into separate functions - that way, anyone who reads the function can get an idea of what’s going on without guessing what it was intended to do.

  1. Create a new function ||functions:move in a square||, and move the code from the ||logic:if then|| section in ||functions:wizard|| into it. Add ||functions:call function move in a square|| to replace the code taken from ||functions:wizard||
  2. Create a new function ||functions:blast of sunshine||, and move the code from the ||logic:else|| section in ||functions:wizard|| into it. Add ||functions:call function blast of sunshine|| to replace the code taken from ||functions:wizard||
  3. Add ||functions:call function blast of sunshine|| to ||functions:teleport||, right before the ||sprites:set mySprite position to|| block, so that immediately before ||variables:mySprite|| moves, there is a ||functions:blast of sunshine||