Introduction: Case Study

This course is about learning to program through making games using JavaScript.

The lessons are typically based on very short pieces of code, to teach the concepts in bite-sized snippets. These short snippets allow us to focus on the new behaviors, but it will not always be obvious how the different snippets can be integrated into a final product.

To make sure this goal stays in sight throughout the course, most lessons include a Case Study section at the end, with small tasks that will be incorporated into the game.

Following these sections throughout the course will give experience turning a rough concept - of a game with asteroids flying across the screen at random - into a complete, full featured game.

The first snippets below show the beginning and end of this process. The initial code is what you will start with, and add to each lesson.

Below that snippet is an example of the final product, including many of the “Challenge” features. If you get stuck when implementing any of the sections, feel free to take a peek at the solution below the problem, or return here and look at the final goal.

The point of the case study is to learn how the code works together while building up a larger game, not as a challenge for each individual topic.

Animation of initial space asteroid game

Initial Code

namespace SpriteKind {
    export const Asteroid = SpriteKind.create();
    export const EnemyLaser = SpriteKind.create();

namespace asteroids {
    sprites.onCreated(SpriteKind.Asteroid, function (sprite: Sprite) {
        sprite.setFlag(SpriteFlag.AutoDestroy, true);
        setPosition(sprite, 10);

    game.onUpdateInterval(1500, function () {
        sprites.create(, SpriteKind.Asteroid);

    function setMotion(asteroid: Sprite) {
        asteroid.vx = randint(-8, 8);
        asteroid.vy = randint(35, 20);

    function setPosition(sprite: Sprite, edge: number) {
        sprite.x = randint(edge, screen.width - edge);
        sprite.y = 0;

Final Result

After completing all sections Case Study sections, you will produce a full game similar to the one below.

Animation of final space asteroid game

namespace SpriteKind {
    export const Asteroid = SpriteKind.create();
    export const EnemyLaser = SpriteKind.create();
    export const PowerUp = SpriteKind.create();
    export const Laser = SpriteKind.create();

enum PowerUpType {

 * Contains the images used in the game
namespace spritesheet {
    export let player: Image = img`
        . . . . 8 . . . .
        . . . 8 8 8 . . .
        . . . 8 1 8 . . .
        . . 2 8 1 8 2 . .
        . 2 2 8 8 8 2 2 .
        2 2 2 8 8 8 2 2 2
        . . . 5 . 5 . . .

    export let enemy: Image = img`
        5 5 . . . . 5 5
        7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7
        . 9 9 7 7 9 9 .
        . 7 7 7 7 7 7 .
        . . . 9 9 . . .

    export let asteroids: Image[] = [,,,,

    export let powerUps: Image[] = [];

    powerUps[PowerUpType.Health] = img`
        . . . 1 1 1 1 1 . . .
        . . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . .
        . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .
        1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1
        1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 1 1
        1 1 f 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 1
        1 1 f 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1
        1 1 1 f 2 2 2 2 1 1 1
        . 1 1 1 f 2 2 1 1 1 .
        . . 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 . .
        . . . 1 1 1 1 1 . . .

    powerUps[PowerUpType.Score] = img`
        . . . 5 5 5 5 5 . . .
        . . 5 5 5 f 5 5 5 . .
        . 5 5 5 f f f 5 5 5 .
        5 5 5 f 5 f 5 f 5 5 5
        5 5 5 5 f 5 5 5 5 5 5
        5 5 5 5 5 f 5 5 5 5 5
        5 5 5 5 5 5 f 5 5 5 5
        5 5 5 f 5 f 5 f 5 5 5
        . 5 5 5 f f f 5 5 5 .
        . . 5 5 5 f 5 5 5 . .
        . . . 5 5 5 5 5 . . .

    powerUps[PowerUpType.EnergyUp] = img`
        . . . 8 8 8 8 8 . . .
        . . 8 8 8 f 8 8 8 . .
        . 8 8 f f f f f 8 8 .
        8 8 8 f 8 d 8 f 8 8 8
        8 8 8 f d d d f 8 8 8
        8 8 8 f 8 d 8 f 8 8 8
        8 8 8 f 8 8 8 f 8 8 8
        8 8 8 f d d d f 8 8 8
        . 8 8 f 8 8 8 f 8 8 .
        . . 8 f f f f f 8 . .
        . . . 8 8 8 8 8 . . .

    powerUps[PowerUpType.RechargeRateUp] = img`
        . . . e e e e e . . .
        . . e e e 5 4 e e . .
        . e e e 5 5 e e e e .
        e e e 5 5 4 4 4 e e e
        e e 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 e
        e e e e e 5 5 5 4 e e
        e e e e 5 5 5 4 e e e
        e e e 5 5 5 4 e e e e
        . e e 5 5 4 e e e e .
        . . e e 5 4 e e e . .
        . . . e e e e e . . .

    export let laser: Image = img`

 * Creates and controls the asteroids within the game
namespace asteroids {
    sprites.onCreated(SpriteKind.Asteroid, function (sprite: Sprite) {
        sprite.setFlag(SpriteFlag.AutoDestroy, true);
        setPosition(sprite, 10);

    game.onUpdateInterval(1500, function () {
        sprites.create(Math.pickRandom(spritesheet.asteroids), SpriteKind.Asteroid);

     * Set the initial velocities for the given sprite
     * @param asteroid the asteroid to set the initial velocities of
    function setMotion(asteroid: Sprite) {
        asteroid.vx = randint(-8, 8);
        asteroid.vy = randint(35, 20);

     * Place the given sprite at a random location at the top of the screen
     * @param sprite the sprite to place at the top of the screen
     * @param edge how many pixels between either edge of the screen to set
    function setPosition(sprite: Sprite, edge: number) {
        sprite.x = randint(edge, screen.width - edge);
        sprite.y = 0;

 * Creates and controls the player's ship
namespace ship {
    export let player: Sprite = initialize();
    export let maxCharge = 3;
    export let currentCharge = maxCharge;
    export let rechargeDelay = 750;
    let lastRecharge = 0;

     * @returns a player sprite that moves with the directional buttons
    function initialize(): Sprite {
        let sprite = sprites.create(spritesheet.player, SpriteKind.Player)
        controller.moveSprite(sprite, 80, 30);
        controller.A.repeatInterval = 400;
        sprite.x = screen.width / 2;
        sprite.y = screen.height - 20;
        return sprite;

    // When the player presses A, fire a laser from the spaceship
    controller.A.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {

    // When the player holds A, also fire the laser
    controller.A.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Repeated, function () {

     * Fires a laser from the player's ship if they have the energy to do so
    function fireLaser() {
        if (currentCharge > 0) {
            sprites.createProjectile(spritesheet.laser, 0, -40, SpriteKind.Laser, player);

    game.onUpdate(function () {
        let currentTime = game.runtime();
        if (currentTime - lastRecharge >= rechargeDelay) {
            lastRecharge = currentTime;
            if (currentCharge < maxCharge) {

 * Creates and controls the enemies in the game
namespace enemy {
     * @returns an enemy sprite that is positioned at the top of the screen
    function createEnemy(): Sprite {
        let enemy = sprites.create(spritesheet.enemy, SpriteKind.Enemy);
        setPosition(enemy, 10);
        enemy.vy = 10;
        return enemy;

     * Place the given sprite at a random location at the top of the screen
     * @param sprite the sprite to place at the top of the screen
     * @param edge how many pixels between either edge of the screen to set
    function setPosition(sprite: Sprite, edge: number) {
        sprite.x = randint(edge, screen.width - edge);
        sprite.y = 0;

    game.onUpdateInterval(200, function () {
        if (Math.percentChance(5)) {

        let allEnemies = sprites.allOfKind(SpriteKind.Enemy);
        for (let i = 0; i < allEnemies.length; i++) {
            // Create a laser 4% of the time
            if (Math.percentChance(4)) {
                sprites.createProjectile(img`3`, 0, 70, SpriteKind.EnemyLaser, allEnemies[i]);

            // follow the player
            if (allEnemies[i].x < ship.player.x) {
                allEnemies[i].vx = 15;
            } else {
                allEnemies[i].vx = -15;

 * Generates powerups for the player to collect
namespace powerups {
    let availablePowerUps = [

    export let responses: string[] = [];
    responses[PowerUpType.Health] = "Got health!";
    responses[PowerUpType.Score] = "Score!";
    responses[PowerUpType.EnergyUp] = "More Energy!";
    responses[PowerUpType.RechargeRateUp] = "Faster Charge!";

    sprites.onCreated(SpriteKind.PowerUp, function (sprite: Sprite) {
        let typeOfPowerUp = Math.pickRandom(availablePowerUps); = typeOfPowerUp;
        sprite.setFlag(SpriteFlag.AutoDestroy, true);
        setPosition(sprite, 10);

     * Place the given sprite at a random location at the top of the screen
     * @param sprite the sprite to place at the top of the screen
     * @param edge how many pixels between either edge of the screen to set
    function setPosition(sprite: Sprite, edge: number) {
        sprite.x = randint(edge, screen.width - edge);
        sprite.y = 0;

     * Set the initial velocities for the given sprite
     * @param powerUp the powerUp to set the initial velocities of
    function setMotion(powerUp: Sprite) {
        powerUp.vy = 60;

     * @param powerUp sprite to get type of
     * @returns the type of the given powerUp
    export function getType(powerUp: Sprite): PowerUpType {

    game.onUpdateInterval(600, function () {
        if (Math.percentChance(50)) {
            let currentPowerUps = sprites.allOfKind(SpriteKind.PowerUp);
            if (currentPowerUps.length < 2) {
                sprites.create(img`1`, SpriteKind.PowerUp);

 * Handle overlaps between different sprites
namespace overlapevents {
    // When the player hits an asteroid, damage the player and destroy the asteroid
    sprites.onOverlap(SpriteKind.Player, SpriteKind.Asteroid, function (sprite: Sprite, otherSprite: Sprite) {

    // When the player hits an enemy, damage the player and destroy the enemy
    sprites.onOverlap(SpriteKind.Player, SpriteKind.Enemy, function (sprite: Sprite, otherSprite: Sprite) {

    // When a laser hits an asteroid, destroy both sprites
    sprites.onOverlap(SpriteKind.Laser, SpriteKind.Asteroid, function (sprite: Sprite, otherSprite: Sprite) {
        otherSprite.destroy(, 200);

    // When a laser hits an enemy, destroy both sprites
    sprites.onOverlap(SpriteKind.Laser, SpriteKind.Enemy, function (sprite: Sprite, otherSprite: Sprite) {

    // When an  enemy laser hits the player, destroy the laser, say "ow!", and lose life
    sprites.onOverlap(SpriteKind.Player, SpriteKind.EnemyLaser, function (sprite: Sprite, otherSprite: Sprite) {
        sprite.say("ow!", 500);

    // When a player hits a powerup, apply the bonus for that powerup
    sprites.onOverlap(SpriteKind.Player, SpriteKind.PowerUp, function (sprite: Sprite, otherSprite: Sprite) {
        let powerUp: number = powerups.getType(otherSprite);
        sprite.say(powerups.responses[powerUp], 500);
        if (powerUp == PowerUpType.Health) {
        } else if (powerUp == PowerUpType.Score) {
        } else if (powerUp == PowerUpType.EnergyUp) {
        } else if (powerUp == PowerUpType.RechargeRateUp) {
            ship.rechargeDelay -= 20;

 * Set up the state of the game
namespace status {
    initialize(4, 0);

     * Sets up the initial state of the game
     * @param life the initial life to set
     * @param score the initial score to set
    function initialize(life: number, score: number) {

    info.onLifeZero(function () {
        let playerContinue = game.ask("Continue?", "Cost: 50 points");
        if (playerContinue) {
        } else {

    game.onPaint(function () {
        let x = 1;
        let y = screen.height - image.font5.charHeight - 1;
        let color = 0x3;

        if (ship.currentCharge == ship.maxCharge) {
            color = 0x7;
        } else if (ship.currentCharge == 0) {
            color = 0x2;

        let energyState = "energy: " + ship.currentCharge + "/" + ship.maxCharge;
        screen.print(energyState, x, y, color, image.font5);