Activity: Initialization
This activity starts with the basics needed to get started with JavaScript in Arcade
by setting variables and outputting them to the user.
Example #1: Game Splash
The ||game:splash||
block allows for a message to pop up on screen for the player to read,
and then dismiss with a button press when they are done with the message.
In the above section, both ways that ||game:splash||
are defined are shown -
for blocks, and for JavaScript. Below those two, is an example of splash being
used in JavaScript.
Carefully note the difference between the middle example - which lists out fully
how the block is defined - and how the block is used in the last snippet,
with ||game:game.||
in front.
These details will become more important in future sections.

For now, carefully read the JavaScript code to identify the following portions:
: The function that is called
: The string that is given to the function,
: Surrounds the string, to identify it as a string
: Indicates the end of the current line of code
Student Task #1: Hello World!
- Create a new project in Arcade
- Replicate the code from example #1
- Change the word “Hello!” to the phrase “Hello World!”
- Run the code to verify that the output has changed
Example #2a: Using Variables
Variables allow for code that can easily be changed as necessary for your game.
In JavaScript, these can be declared using two parts:
- the
keyword to declare a variable
- the
(assignment) operator to assign a value to the variable that has been declared
let word = "Hello";
In the code above, the variable ||variables:word||
is assigned the string Hello
To use the variable, you simply type in the name you assigned the variable - that is,
let word = "Hello";
Will declare a variable named ||variables:word||
assign that variable the string “Hello”,
and then splash that variable.
Example #2b: String Variable vs. Strings
In example #2a, the variable was passed directly to the ||game:game.splash||
Referencing the variable is done without surrounding it in quotation marks.
If you try to surround it with quotation marks, it will instead be identified as a string.
The following is nearly identical to the code form example #2a,
but has completely different output.
Before running the code,
identify what will be splashed onto the screen.
let word = "Hello";
Student Task #2: Creating new Variables
- Create a new project in Arcade
- Declare a new variable named
and assign it the value “Bark!”
- Declare another new variable named
and assign it the value “Meow”
- Declare one more new variable named
and assign it the value “Meow and Bark!”
- Use
to display ||variables:dog||
to the user
- Use
to display ||variables:cat||
to the user
- Use
to display ||variables:catAndDog||
to the user
Variables in JavaScript are typically camel cased.
The first word in the variable name should be all lowercase,
and any other words should have the first letter capitalized.
For example, if you wanted to name a variable that stores “documents for john”,
this could be stored in the variable ||variables:documentsForJohn||
Note the name of the third variable created for this task: ||variables:catAndDog||
and how it is camel cased.
Example #3: Reassigning variables
Variables can only be declared a single time.
This means that you cannot declare two variables with the same name - for example,
let word = "hello";
let word = "goodbye";
is invalid, as the second line is attempting to declare a variable that already exists.
This is a simple description of a more complicated rule - later on in the course namespaces
and scope will be discussed, which both change this rule.
However, variables can be reassigned (assigned a new value) as often as needed.
let word = "hello";
word = "goodbye";
This code will
- Declare the variable
- Assign
to the value “hello”
- Reassign
to the value “goodbye”
What happens to the old value (“hello”) of ||variables:word||
when it is assigned
a new value in step 3?
The old value is gone - there is no way to reference it anymore.
Student Task #3: Splash a Variable

- Start with the (valid) code from example #3
- Immediately after the first line, add a new line to
- Add another
with ||variables:word||
to the end of the code
- Verify that the two splash screens display different words
What did we learn?
- Explain the difference between declaring and assigning a value.
It might be useful to try to come up with an analogy.
- In task #3, the same variable was
ed twice, with different results.
Explain how the output was changed in the other lines of code.
Before moving on to the next lesson, it is recommended that you check out the
selected problems for this
section to review the material and practice the concepts introduced in this section.
Case Study
Create an Intro
At the end of your game, create a variable ||variables:intro||
This should store a short introduction to your game;
for example, “Hello! This is my Space Game!”
Splash the Intro
The ||game:game.splash||
function is commonly used to give introductions to games.
Use it to ||game:splash||
the introduction you just created.
namespace SpriteKind {
export const Asteroid = SpriteKind.create();
namespace asteroids {
sprites.onCreated(SpriteKind.Asteroid, function (sprite: Sprite) {
sprite.setFlag(SpriteFlag.AutoDestroy, true);
setPosition(sprite, 10);
game.onUpdateInterval(1500, function () {
sprites.create(, SpriteKind.Asteroid);
function setMotion(asteroid: Sprite) {
asteroid.vx = randint(-8, 8);
asteroid.vy = randint(35, 20);
function setPosition(sprite: Sprite, edge: number) {
sprite.x = randint(edge, screen.width - edge);
sprite.y = 0;
let intro = "Hello! This is my Space Game!";