Activity: On Update Interval

In the previous lesson, the ||game:on game update|| event was used to handle events that should occur every time the game updates.

However, not all behaviors should necessarily occur every time the game updates. The ||game:on game update every|| event can be used to handle these types of behaviors.

Concept: Keeping Track of Time

The ||game:game.onUpdateInterval|| event is similar to the ||game:game.onUpdate|| event, except it will only occur once per given period.

game.onUpdateInterval(500, undefined);

Example #1: Visualizing the Rate

Animation of Console Graph

  1. Review the code below
  2. Identify the period of the event
  3. Identify how often the ||variables:a|| will be logged to the console
let a: number = 0;

game.onUpdateInterval(100, function () {
    console.logValue("a", a);

Student Task #1: Comparing Periods

  1. Start with the code from example #1
  2. Create two more variables at the start of the code: ||variables:a|| and ||variables:b||. Assign each the value 0
  3. Create two more ||game:game.onUpdateInterval|| events: one with a period of 500 ms, and the other with a period of 1000 ms
  4. In the event with a period of 500 ms, use console.logValue to log the value of ||variables:b||, and then increment the value
  5. In the event with a period of 1000 ms, use console.logValue to log the value of ||variables:c||, and then increment the value

||game:on game update|| and ||game:on game update interval|| both allow for multiple event handlers, so calling the function multiple times and assigning different event handlers will work appropriately.

However, some other events discussed in future lessons will not allow for this. Instead, these functions might overwrite the old event handler when a new one is assigned.

Concept: ||game:game.onUpdateInterval|| to Create Projectiles

The ||game:game.onUpdateInterval|| event being kept to a consistent pace makes it ideal for handling behavior like the creation ||sprites:projectiles||.

This allows for ||sprites:sprites|| that are created regularly, without overwhelming the player or the screen.

Example #2: Fewer Stars

Animation of example stars

  1. Review the code below
  2. Identify the period of the event
namespace SpriteKind {
    export const Star = SpriteKind.create();

game.onUpdateInterval(250, function () {
    let star = sprites.createProjectile(img`1`, 50, 0, SpriteKind.Star);
    star.y = randint(0, screen.height);

Student Task #2: Asteroids 2.0

  1. Start with the code from example #2
  2. Create a second ||game:game.onUpdateInterval|| event, with a period of 750 ms
  3. In the new ||game:game.onUpdateInterval|| event, create a projectile with an image of an Asteroid
  4. Give the asteroid a ||math:random|| ||sprites:vx|| between -15 and 15, and a ||sprites:vy|| of 50
  5. Assign the asteroid a ||math:random|| ||sprites:x|| position between 0 and ||scene:screen.width||

What did we learn?

  1. In your own words, explain the difference between the ||game:game.onUpdate|| event and the ||game:game.onUpdateInterval|| event.
  2. Explain why it can be helpful to be able to create multiple event handlers for a given event?

Before moving on to the next lesson, it is recommended that you check out the selected problems for this section to review the material and practice the concepts introduced in this section.

Sidenote: Why not ||loops:pause|| in ||game:on game update||?

The behavior of the ||game:on game update interval|| event might seem like an easy thing to address without making an extra type of event: why not just ||loops:pause|| right before the end of the event handler? This approach could be used to limit the rate at which stars are created, like in the snippet below.

namespace SpriteKind {
    export const Star = SpriteKind.create();

game.onUpdate(function () {
    let star = sprites.createProjectile(img`1`, 50, 0, SpriteKind.Star);
    star.y = randint(0, screen.height);

Run the code above and you’ll likely see an issue: the game starts to hang between the creation of ||sprites:Star||s, resulting in inconsistent motion as the game only updates once per second.

This occurs because the event occurs as part of the game update; by calling ||loops:pause||, the entire game will pause. This behavior will also occur if ||loops:pause|| is used in ||game:on game update interval||. For this reason,it is important to pay attention to the side effects of using any event.

Case Study

Stars! 2.0

Change the ||game:on game update|| event that creates stars in the star namespace to an ||game:on game update interval|| event with an interval of 200ms. Change the ||math:percent chance|| from 10 to 50 percent, as this event will occur less often than the ||game:on game update||

Enemy AI

Currently, the ‘enemy’ in the game doesn’t do much - it is created, and moves down the screen, and the gets destroyed automatically. In this task, you will start to make the enemy more interesting.

First, you will need to keep a reference to the enemy - store the result of the call to createEnemy in the variable ||variables:myEnemy||.

Use an ||game:on game update interval|| event with an interval of 200ms to control the enemy. In this, use a ||math:percent chance|| and ||logic:if statement|| to create a ||sprites:projectile|| from ||variables:myEnemy|| with a 10% chance. This projectile should be of kind EnemyLaser, and have a ||sprites:vy|| of 70.

Next, you need to make the enemy follow the player. This can be done by changing the ||sprites:vx|| to make it move in the direction of the player’s ship: in the ||game:on game update interval|| event, compare ||variables:myEnemy|| and ||variables:ship.player||‘s ||sprites:x positions||. ||logic:If|| myEnemy.x is less than ship.player.x, set myEnemy.vx to 15; ||logic:else||, set it to -15.


namespace SpriteKind {
    export const Asteroid = SpriteKind.create();
    export const PowerUp = SpriteKind.create();
    export const Laser = SpriteKind.create();
    export const Star = SpriteKind.create();

namespace star {
    game.onUpdateInterval(200, function () {
        if (Math.percentChance(50)) {
            let star = sprites.createProjectile(img`1`, 0, 50, SpriteKind.Star);
            star.x = randint(0, screen.width);
            star.setFlag(SpriteFlag.Ghost, true);
            star.z = -1;

 * Creates and controls the enemies in the game
namespace enemy {
    let myEnemy = createEnemy();

     * @returns an enemy sprite that is positioned at the top of the screen
    function createEnemy(): Sprite {
        let enemy = sprites.create(spritesheet.enemy, SpriteKind.Enemy);
        setPosition(enemy, 10);
        enemy.vy = 10;
        return enemy;

    game.onUpdateInterval(200, function () {
        // Create a laser 10% of the time
        if (Math.percentChance(10)) {
            sprites.createProjectile(img`3`, 0, 70, SpriteKind.EnemyLaser, myEnemy);

        // follow the player
        if (myEnemy.x < ship.player.x) {
            myEnemy.vx = 15;
        } else {
            myEnemy.vx = -15;