Activity: Images
are used to represent many things on screen in Arcade -
, ||sprites:Sprites||
, many other elements of the games.
A number of complex behaviors can be handled easily using ||arrays:arrays||
, allowing for games with a larger variety of content for
the person playing to experience.
Concept: Simple Animations
Animations in games are represented as a series of different images that
get shown in a sequence.
Using ||arrays:arrays||
, these ||images:images||
can be stored in
a single location and referenced much more easily than they could be using
individual variables.
Example #1: Flapping Duck
- Review the code below
- Identify how the
array is created
- Identify how the
loop is used to iterate through the
different ||images:images||
of the ||sprites:ducks||
let characterImages: Image[] = [,,,,,
let duck: Sprite = sprites.create(characterImages[0], SpriteKind.Player);
for (let index = 0; index < characterImages.length; index++) {
Student Task #1: Walking Hero
- Start with the code from example #1
- Modify the code to show a hero walking instead of a flying duck,
by replacing the images in
- Use a second
loop that causes the current ||loops:for||
loop to repeat 20 times, so that the animation will continue to repeat
The ||images:images||
of a hero walking can be referenced using the following variables:
Concept: Remainder Operator
Creating an animation using arrays is useful, but does lead to some issues.
For example, what if the intention is to run it in the background, forever?
One approach would be to use the ||game:on update interval||
Using this with the previous example might look like the snippet below.
let count = 0;
game.onUpdateInterval(150, function () {
However, this won’t quite work; after the last index in the array, the code will crash,
because you will be trying to refer to an ||images:image||
that doesn’t exist.
This could be handled using ||logic:logic||
to reset the value when it gets too high.
let count = 0;
game.onUpdateInterval(150, function () {
if (count == characterImages.length) {
count = 0;
The remainder operator, %
, can be used to handle this case more appropriately.
This operator is used to signify the remainder of integer division between two numbers:
that is, 5 % 3
is equal to 2, because 5 goes into 3 one time, with two remaining.
The remainder operator is often referred to as the mod
short for modulo or modulus.
Example #2: Continually Flapping Duck

- Review the code below
- Identify how
is used
- Identify how the remainder (
) operator is used to refer to a value
within the ||images:image||
let characterImages: Image[] = [,,,,,
let duck: Sprite = sprites.create(characterImages[0], SpriteKind.Player);
let count: number = 0;
game.onUpdateInterval(150, function () {
duck.setImage(characterImages[count % characterImages.length]);
Student Task #2: Continuous Walking Animation
- Start with the code from task #1
- Replace the
loops with the ||game:on update interval||
event with a ||variables:counter||
as shown in example #2 to make the
animation run indefinitely
- Make the hero
with the directional buttons
Concept: Random Images
In games, ||sprites:sprites||
will often need to be created a large number of times,
to represent ||sprites:enemies||
, ||sprites:collectible items||
, or anything else.
To make the games more visually appealing, these ||sprites:Sprites||
can be given different ||images:images||
to make sure they do not all look the same.
The ||sprites.onCreated||
event is helpful for handling this type of behavior.
sprites.onCreated(0, null);
Example #3: Asteroids!

- Review the code below
- Identify how the different images for
s are defined,
and what happens to the image originally set for the ||sprites:Sprite||
- Identify what occurs when an
is ||sprites:created||
- Identify how
is used to pick a
namespace SpriteKind {
export const Asteroid = SpriteKind.create();
let asteroids: Image[] = [,
game.onUpdateInterval(1000, function () {
sprites.create(img`1`, SpriteKind.Asteroid);
sprites.onCreated(SpriteKind.Asteroid, function (sprite: Sprite) {
sprite.y = randint(0, screen.height);
sprite.x = randint(0, screen.width);
Student Task #3: Falling Asteroids
- Start with the code from example #3
- In the
||sprites:on created||
event, set the ||variables:sprite||
position to be 0, so it starts at the top of the screen
- After setting the
position, set the ||sprites:vy||
to a ||math:random value between||
30 and 50
- Set the
flag for every ||sprites:Asteroid||
to ||logic:true||
The other ||sprites:Asteroid||
can be referenced
using the following ||variables:variables||
What did we learn?
- How does using multiple
allow for games that are
more visually appealing?
- How is the remainder
operator used to make sure the code never
accesses an invalid index in the ||arrays:array||
Before moving on to the next lesson, it is recommended that you check out the
selected problems for this
section to review the material and practice the concepts introduced in this section.
Case Study
Power Up Images
In the spritesheet
namespace, change the ||variables:powerUp||
to an ||arrays:array||
of ||images:images||
and rename it to ||variables:powerUps||
Create a custom ||images:image||
for each type of PowerUp
and store them at the index for the given type
(similar to ||variables:powerups.responses||
In order to use these images, when creating a ||sprites:sprite||
set the
to some default value (a single pixel ||images:image||
or one of the PowerUp
images), and then set the ||images:image||
appropriately for the chosen type in the ||sprites:on created||
Because the type will be stored in both the data
and as the index for
the ||images:image||
, you should store the result of
so that it can be
referenced in both parts where it is necessary.
Instead of using a single image for all asteroids,
create an ||arrays:array||
of ||images:images||
and ||math:pick||
one at random whenever you create a new asteroid.
namespace spritesheet {
export let asteroids: Image[] = [,,,,
export let powerUps: Image[] = [];
powerUps[PowerUpType.Health] = img`
. . . 1 1 1 1 1 . . .
. . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . .
. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .
1 1 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 1
1 1 2 2 2 2 2 3 2 1 1
1 1 f 2 2 2 3 2 2 1 1
1 1 f 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1
1 1 1 f 2 2 2 2 1 1 1
. 1 1 1 f 2 2 1 1 1 .
. . 1 1 1 f 1 1 1 . .
. . . 1 1 1 1 1 . . .
powerUps[PowerUpType.Score] = img`
. . . 5 5 5 5 5 . . .
. . 5 5 5 f 5 5 5 . .
. 5 5 5 f f f 5 5 5 .
5 5 5 f 5 f 5 f 5 5 5
5 5 5 5 f 5 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 5 5 5 f 5 5 5 5 5
5 5 5 5 5 5 f 5 5 5 5
5 5 5 f 5 f 5 f 5 5 5
. 5 5 5 f f f 5 5 5 .
. . 5 5 5 f 5 5 5 . .
. . . 5 5 5 5 5 . . .
powerUps[PowerUpType.EnergyUp] = img`
. . . 8 8 8 8 8 . . .
. . 8 8 8 f 8 8 8 . .
. 8 8 f f f f f 8 8 .
8 8 8 f 8 d 8 f 8 8 8
8 8 8 f d d d f 8 8 8
8 8 8 f 8 d 8 f 8 8 8
8 8 8 f 8 8 8 f 8 8 8
8 8 8 f d d d f 8 8 8
. 8 8 f 8 8 8 f 8 8 .
. . 8 f f f f f 8 . .
. . . 8 8 8 8 8 . . .
powerUps[PowerUpType.RechargeRateUp] = img`
. . . e e e e e . . .
. . e e e 5 4 e e . .
. e e e 5 5 e e e e .
e e e 5 5 4 4 4 e e e
e e 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 e
e e e e e 5 5 5 4 e e
e e e e 5 5 5 4 e e e
e e e 5 5 5 4 e e e e
. e e 5 5 4 e e e e .
. . e e 5 4 e e e . .
. . . e e e e e . . .
namespace asteroids {
game.onUpdateInterval(1500, function () {
sprites.create(Math.pickRandom(spritesheet.asteroids), SpriteKind.Asteroid);
namespace powerups {
sprites.onCreated(SpriteKind.PowerUp, function (sprite: Sprite) {
let typeOfPowerUp = Math.pickRandom(availablePowerUps); = typeOfPowerUp;
sprite.setFlag(SpriteFlag.AutoDestroy, true);
setPosition(sprite, 10);
game.onUpdateInterval(600, function () {
if (Math.percentChance(50)) {
let currentPowerUps = sprites.allOfKind(SpriteKind.PowerUp);
if (currentPowerUps.length() < 2) {
sprites.create(img`1`, SpriteKind.PowerUp);