About: Where to Start

This course focuses on transitioning from the Block-based environment to a JavaScript environment, and expanding on the ideas taught in the first two courses.

If you are learning to code for the first time, it is suggested that you start with CS Intro 1 and CS Intro 2, which go in depth into many core programming concepts. This course assumes experience with these concepts, so if you choose to start here you might want to review the concepts in those courses as they come up.

If you have completed the first two courses in this series, then you are in the right place. The Introduction section is the first section of this course.

If you have experience with other MakeCode editors or programming in general, the Game Design Concepts tutorials describe a number of concepts and blocks that are unique to game development.

The following tutorials may also be useful in learning about concepts that you might not have seen elsewhere:

Additionally, you may find it useful to check out the review material for the previous courses: