Laser Cut Stencils

With this tool, you can create stencils that allow you to draw or paint pixel art on t-shirts, boards, walls, etc… You will need access to a laser cutter.

Arcade cabinet in the MakeCode Team room

  • open the sprite you want to turn into stencils
  • select the image area you want to recreate with the Marquee tool
  • press Ctrl+C or Command+C to copy the image in the clipboard
  • open MakeCode Arcade Stencilr (on
  • press Ctrl+V or Command+V to paste the image in the image text box
  • download the DXF for each layer
  • cut out each layer into a stencil
  • use the stencils to paint/draw your designs!

Drawing stencils

Did you say metal?

If you happen to have access to a water jet cutter, you can also cut out your design from metal!

A MakeCode Arcade logo cut out of a copper sheet