Music and Sounds


The high-level music API in arcade creates and processes melodies as a sequence of notes following a syntax form for each note. The melodies are authored using the music.Melody class in arcade which encodes them into a string with this syntax. For some examples of formatted melodies, see the mixer extension/package.

Melodies are constructed with a series of commands outlined below.

Command: play note

To play a note:

[ABCDEFG] (\d+)  (:\d+)  (-\d+)
note      octave length  tempo

The octave, length, and tempo are all optional parameters. Here are some examples:

  • A5:2-120 (play note A in octave 5 for 2 beats and set the tempo to 120 bpm)
  • C (play note C for one beat at the current tempo)
  • g5:1 (play note G in octave 5 for 1 beat at the current tempo)

Command: rest

To rest:

[R] (:\d+)

For example:

  • R (rest for 1 beat at current tempo)
  • R:3 (rest for 3 beats at current tempo)

Command: play tone

To play a frequency for a duration in ms:


For example:

  • !262,500 (play frequency 262 Hz for 500 ms)

Command: set envelope

To set the ADSR envelope for the played sounds:


Where the four values indicate:

  1. “Attack” in ms
  2. “Decay” in ms
  3. “Sustain” volume (0-255)
  4. “Release” in ms

For more information on envelopes, check the Wikipedia article here_envelope).

Command: set waveform

To set the waveform for the generated notes:


Where the number refers to one of the waveforms in the table below:

Waveform Value
triangle 1
sawtooth 2
sine 3
tunable noise 4
noise 5
square (10%) 11
square (20%) 12
square (30%) 13
square (40%) 14
square (50%) 15
cycle 16 16
cycle 32 17
cycle 64 18

The noise is an actual white noise. It ignores the requested frequency or note.

The tunable noise tone contains a pseudorandom sample. At high frequency it sounds similar to white noise, at low frequency it produces irregular crackling noises.

The cycle 16, cycle 32, and cycle 64 waveforms are repeating pseudorandom patterns with a cycle length of 16/32/64 samples respectively. They sound like a noise-distorted square wave, with short cycles being more regular and long cycles being noisier.

Command: set end frequency

To set the end for the generated notes:


When the end frequency is set, the tone will linear ramp the frequency from the initial set frequency to the end frequency over the duration of the tone.

Here are some examples:

  • !2000,1000^100 will start at 2000 Hz and ramp to 100 Hz over the course of 1000 ms
  • !1300,200^50 will start at 1300 Hz and ramp to 50 Hz over the course of 200 ms
  • !150,500^800 will start at 150 Hz and ramp to 800 Hz over the course of 500 ms

Sound Instructions

The low-level music API exposed in JavaScript revolves around sound “instructions”.

A sound instruction is a series of bytes stored in a Buffer with the following format:

Field Bits
waveform 8
unused 8
frequency (hz) 16
duration (ms) 16
start volume 16
end volume 16
end frequency 16

Volume is a scalar value that ranges from 0 to 1024. See the table in previous section for the available values for waveform.

To play a sound buffer, use the music.playInstructions() API. Buffers can contain multiple instructions one after the other, so a single “effect” or “melody” should be constructed in a single Buffer.

Getting buffers

To create a Buffer, you can use the control.createBuffer() API.


The arcade “hardware” has three available music “channels” that are mixed to produce the game audio. Using the music.playInstructions() API will automatically allocate a channel to play the instruction and that channel remains occupied until the sound play completes. Attempting to play too many sounds simultaneously will cause some sounds to be dropped if all channels are currently busy.

Hex buffers

If your music or sounds are mostly static (i.e. not created at runtime), you can save memory by storing them in hex buffers. These buffers are compiled into the “binary” by the MakeCode compiler. Note that there is currently no way to play sound samples - the buffers below would only apply to the playInstructions format described above. You can create static buffers using this tagged template literal syntax:

// The contents of the literal string should be data in hex-encoding const mySound: Buffer = hex`0123456789abcdef`;