Cherry Pickr

Collect as many cherries as you can before time runs out!
Learning Objective
Learn the basic requirements to build a functional game!
- The concept of a sprite
- How to set up a tilemap
- Spawning cherries on the tilemap
- Setting and moving a character
- Designing the map
- Setting up a countdown
Lesson Sections
Part One: Start the Game
Go to the MakeCode Arcade editor and select New Project to begin creating a new game.
Once the editor loads, you will see a green ||loops:on start||
block already placed in the editor Workspace.
We want the game to start with a Title Screen to let the player know what game they are playing. To do that, we go to ||game:Game||
in the Toolbox and under the Prompt category, drag a ||game:splash||
block into the ||loops:on start||
block. Give your game a title and put in as the text for the ||game:splash||
game.splash("Cherry Pickr")
Part Two: Set the Background
To set the background, click on ||scene:Scene||
in the Toolbox and drag the ||scene:set tilemap to||
block into the ||loops:on start||
block. Go ahead and click the gray box and draw whatever you want the background to look like .
game.splash("Cherry Pickr")
Part Three: Create and Move the Player
Our next step is to create a movable character. To do this, go to ||sprites:Sprites||
in the Toolbox under the Create category and drag a ||sprites:set mySprite to||
block into ||loops:on start|
Next, draw what you want the player to look like. Click the square grey box inside the ||sprites:set mySprite to||
block. A paint editor will pop up and this is where you will draw what you want your player to look like.
let mySprite: Sprite = null
game.splash("Cherry Pickr")
mySprite = sprites.create(sprites.castle.princessFront0, SpriteKind.Player)
OK, We’ve created our player!
Renaming the sprite variable
We can rename our character from mySprite
to player
(or anything else that you’d like) by clicking the drop down anywhere you see the mySprite
variable and selecting Rename variable...
. If you change the variable’s name, keep that in mind as you go through the rest of this lesson. Each time you see mySprite
, use your variable name instead.
To move the player, click ||controller:Controller||
in the Toolbox and drag out a ||controller:control sprite||
block into the ||loops:on start||
block. Make sure the variable selected is mySprite
Then go to ||scene:Scene||
and under the Camera category, drag the ||scene:camera follow sprite||
block into the ||loops:on start||
block. Again, make sure the variable selected is mySprite
We do this so that when the player moves around the tilemap, they will remain at the center of the screen.
To make the player move faster, set the vx
and vy
to 150
let mySprite: Sprite = null
game.splash("Cherry Pickr")
mySprite = sprites.create(sprites.castle.princessFront0, SpriteKind.Player)
controller.moveSprite(mySprite, 150, 150)
Now we are able to move our player! In the simulator, test out the movement of the player.

Part Four: Spawn Cherries on the Screen
We want cherries to appear randomly on the screen every half a second. In order to do this, go into ||game:Game||
in the Toolbox and drag out the ||game:on game update every||
block onto the editor.
Next we will define what a cherry is, by going to ||sprites:Sprites||
and dragging out the ||sprites:set mySprite to||
block inside the ||game:on game update every||
Click the drop down and rename the variable to ||variables:cherry||
. Click the gray square box to draw what you want your item to look like. Then click the drop down that says ||sprites:Player||
and change the kind ||sprites:Food||
let cherry: Sprite = null
game.onUpdateInterval(500, function () {
cherry = sprites.create(, SpriteKind.Food)
To spawn cherries on the screen, we need to set a random x and y coordinate. Go to the ||sprites:Sprites||
tab and drag the ||sprites:set mySprite position to||
inside the ||sprites:on game update every||
block. Change ||variables:mySprite||
to ||variables:cherry||
To make the cherry spawn randomly on the tilemap, go to the ||math:Math||
tab and drag one ||math:pick random||
block into the x-value of ||sprites:set item position to||
. Drag another into the y-value.
Change the values for the first ||math:pick random||
block to 0
and 160
. Change the values for the second ||math:pick random||
block to 0
and 120
let cherry: Sprite = null
game.onUpdateInterval(500, function () {
cherry = sprites.create(, SpriteKind.Food)
cherry.setPosition(randint(0, 160), randint(0, 120))
Part Five: Keep Track of the Score and Time
Keep Track of Time
We need to keep track of how long the game will last. To do this, go to ||info:Info||
and drag the ||info:start countdown||
into the ||loops:on start||
block. Click on the 10
and change it to 60
so that the game will end after 60 seconds.
Keep Track of the Score
The next part is to keep track of the score. Go to ||info:Info||
and drag the ||info:set score to||
into the ||loops:on start||
block. Leave the value at 0
since the player doesn’t have any points at the beginning of the game.
We will add to the score in Part Six: Picking Up Cherries.
The game simulator will automatically show the timer and score at the top of the screen.
let mySprite: Sprite = null
game.splash("Cherry Pickr")
mySprite = sprites.create(sprites.castle.princessFront0, SpriteKind.Player)
controller.moveSprite(mySprite, 150, 150)
Part Six: Picking Up Cherries
The last task is to let our player to actually collect cherries. Go to ||sprites:Sprites||
and, from the Overlaps category, drag out ||sprites:on sprite of kind Player overlaps||
. Change the second ||sprites:Player||
kind to ||sprites:Food||
. The text for the block should now say ||sprites:on sprite of kind Player overlaps otherSprite of kind Food||
This block will run every time a ||sprites:Player||
sprite overlaps a ||sprites:Food||
Changing the Score
To change the score when the cherry is touched, go to the ||info:Info||
tab and drag the ||info:change score by||
block into the ||sprites:on sprite of kind Player overlaps||
block. Leave the value at 1
Removing the Item
When this block runs, two new variables are created: ||variables:sprite||
and ||variables:otherSprite||
. We need to remove ||variables:otherSprite||
from the game, which is the ||sprites:Food||
that collided with the ||sprites:Player||
To do so, go to ||sprites:Sprites||
in the Toolbox and, under Effects, drag the ||sprites:destroy||
block into the ||sprites:on sprite of kind Player overlaps||
block. Then, drag the ||variables:otherSprite||
variable from the top of the block into the ||sprites:destroy||
You might notice that the ||variables:mySprite||
block is removed from the ||sprites:destroy||
block when you replace it with ||variables:otherSprite||
. You can delete that block by dragging it to the Toolbox.
let cherry: Sprite = null
let mySprite: Sprite = null
sprites.onOverlap(SpriteKind.Player, SpriteKind.Food, function (sprite, otherSprite) {
game.splash("Cherry Pickr")
mySprite = sprites.create(sprites.castle.princessFront0, SpriteKind.Player)
controller.moveSprite(mySprite, 150, 150)
game.onUpdateInterval(500, function () {
cherry = sprites.create(, SpriteKind.Food)
cherry.setPosition(randint(0, 160), randint(0, 120))
And now we have a fully functioning game!

Local variables
The variables ||variables:sprite||
and ||variables:otherSprite||
are called local variables. They are created when the block for the collision runs, and they can only be used inside of that block. When that block runs, the ||variables:sprite||
variable holds the ||sprites:Player||
sprite involved in the collision, and the ||variables:otherSprite||
variable holds the ||sprites:Food||
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