Hardware Definition
Many hardware targets will work as a physical Arcade platform. These are typically SoC based systems that run a small core operating system.
Arcade hardware targets are supported by their hardware definition which is provided as an extension. The hardware definition specifies the base device characteristics and mappings for the screen, buttons, pins, and sound.
Extension pxt.json
The components of the extension are source files which specify device mappings and control behaviors that are specific to the hardware target. The files and dependancies are all declared in a pxt.json
file just like all MakeCode extensions.
"name": "gizmoq",
"description": "GizmoQ board",
"files": [
"card": {
"name": "GizmoQ Gamer Board",
"description": "Specialized GizmoQ Linux image for the GizmoQ Board.",
"learnMoreUrl": "https://arcade.makecode.com/boards/gizmoq",
"buyUrl": "https://www.bing.com/search?q=gizmoq+board",
"cardType": "hw",
"imageUrl": "https://makecode.com/not-found/HEAD/static/boards/gizmoq.jpg"
"dependencies": {
"core": "file:../core---gizmoq",
"screen": "file:../screen---gizmoq",
"mixer": "file:../mixer---gizmoq",
"game": "file:../game"
"public": true
When downloading an Arcade game program, the GizmoQ hardware will appear as a card selection in the Choose your Hardware dialog. The board choice might look something like this:
"name": "GizmoQ Gamer Board",
"description": "Specialized GizmoQ Linux image for the GizmoQ Board.",
"learnMoreUrl": "https://arcade.makecode.com/boards/gizmoq",
"buyUrl": "https://www.bing.com/search?q=gizmoq+board",
"cardType": "hw",
"imageUrl": "https://cdn.makecode.com/blob/68c18522083a2b95384b3de6dd3ca20ed51b7225/static/boards/gizmoq.png"
Config description
The hardware definition extension contains a config.ts
file which exports constants that define device settings for your board. These are mostly pin an button settings which map to DAL defines. You get a dal.d.ts
generated for you in the core
extension which contains the DAL definitions. The config.ts
also has the screen settings for board. Here’s a sample config.ts
namespace config {
// Define the pins
export const PIN_LED = DAL.PB_11;
export const PIN_SCK = DAL.PA_5;
export const PIN_MISO = DAL.PA_6;
export const PIN_MOSI = DAL.PA_7;
export const PIN_RX = DAL.PA_10;
export const PIN_TX = DAL.PA_9;
export const PIN_SDA = DAL.PB_7;
export const PIN_SCL = DAL.PB_6;
export const PIN_D14 = DAL.PB_9;
export const PIN_D15 = DAL.PB_8;
// Buttons are pin settings
export const PIN_BTN_LEFT = DAL.PB_10;
export const PIN_BTN_UP = DAL.PA_15;
export const PIN_BTN_RIGHT = DAL.PA_5;
export const PIN_BTN_DOWN = DAL.PC_13;
export const PIN_BTN_A = PIN_SDA;
export const PIN_BTN_B = PIN_SCL;
export const PIN_BTN_MENU = PIN_RX;
// LCD screen SPI settings
export const PIN_DISPLAY_CS = DAL.PB_12;
export const PIN_DISPLAY_SCK = DAL.PB_13;
export const PIN_DISPLAY_MOSI = DAL.PB_15;
export const PIN_DISPLAY_DC = DAL.PC_5;
export const PIN_DISPLAY_RST = DAL.PC_4;
export const PIN_DISPLAY_MISO = DAL.PB_14;
export const PIN_DISPLAY_BL = DAL.PA_4;
// it's really piezo speaker, not an amp
export const PIN_SPEAKER_AMP = DAL.PB_8;
// Display metrics and config
export const DISPLAY_CFG0 = 0x00000080;
export const DISPLAY_CFG1 = 0x000603;
export const DISPLAY_CFG2 = 22; // MHz
export const DISPLAY_WIDTH = 160;
export const DISPLAY_HEIGHT = 128;
Device interface
The hardware definition extension may also have device interface file which connects the DAL definitions to the namespace APIs. This information goes in a device.d.ts
file. Here’s an example:
declare namespace pins {
//% fixedInstance shim=pxt::getPinCfg(CFG_PIN_LED)
const LED: DigitalInOutPin;
//% fixedInstance shim=pxt::getPinCfg(CFG_PIN_SDA)
const SDA: DigitalInOutPin;
//% fixedInstance shim=pxt::getPinCfg(CFG_PIN_SCL)
const SCL: DigitalInOutPin;
//% fixedInstance shim=pxt::getPinCfg(CFG_PIN_SCK)
const SCK: DigitalInOutPin;
//% fixedInstance shim=pxt::getPinCfg(CFG_PIN_MISO)
const MISO: DigitalInOutPin;
//% fixedInstance shim=pxt::getPinCfg(CFG_PIN_MOSI)
const MOSI: DigitalInOutPin;
//% fixedInstance shim=pxt::getPinCfg(CFG_PIN_RX)
const RX: DigitalInOutPin;
//% fixedInstance shim=pxt::getPinCfg(CFG_PIN_TX)
const TX: DigitalInOutPin;
declare namespace input {
//% block="button A" fixedInstance
//% shim=pxt::getButtonByPinCfg(CFG_PIN_BTN_A,BUTTON_ACTIVE_LOW_PULL_UP)
const buttonA: Button;
//% block="button B" fixedInstance
//% shim=pxt::getButtonByPinCfg(CFG_PIN_BTN_B,BUTTON_ACTIVE_LOW_PULL_UP)
const buttonB: Button;
//% block="button Left" fixedInstance
const buttonLeft: Button;
//% block="button Right" fixedInstance
const buttonRight: Button;
//% block="button Up" fixedInstance
//% shim=pxt::getButtonByPinCfg(CFG_PIN_BTN_UP,BUTTON_ACTIVE_LOW_PULL_UP)
const buttonUp: Button;
//% block="button Down" fixedInstance
const buttonDown: Button;
//% block="button Menu" fixedInstance
const buttonMenu: Button;
Extension layout
The extnension files are just pxt.json
, config.ts
, and device.d.ts
. The folder that contains the extension files is named with a prefix of hw---
followed by the board name used in the pxt.json
file. For the GizmoQ example, it’s hardware definition extension is named hw---gizmoq