Build a Game Videos

Watch these videos and learn some tips and techniques to help you make your games.

Game Creation Videos

    "name": "Bunny Hop",
    "description": "Make a Bunny Hop game in just 20 minutes!",
    "youTubeId": "7mv43zXzJkY",
    "imageUrl": ""
    "name": "How to Make a Platformer Game - Part 1",
    "description": "Introduction to making a platformer game using sprites, movement and tilemaps",
    "youTubeId": "9bSX9Q5aP6E",
    "imageUrl": ""
    "name": "How to Make a Platformer Game - Part 2",
    "description": "Add some animations, AI, collisions and spawning to your platformer",
    "youTubeId": "8DhGcCPfOU4",
    "imageUrl": ""
    "name": "How to Make a Platformer Game - Part 3",
    "description": "Create multiple levels, wall jumping, and add fireballs for your platformer",
    "youTubeId": "CPkC37FzmnU",
    "imageUrl": ""