
Copy an image to make another just like it.

image.create(0, 0).clone()

A new image is created that is a copy of the original. The image layout and pixel colors are the same.


  • an image that is an exact copy of the original image.


Make a image layout for a stick figure person. Clone the image and display it below the original image.

let stickPerson1 = img`
. . . a a . . .
. . a . . a . .
. . . a a . . .
. . . a . . . .
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. . . a . . . .
. . . a . . . .
. . . a . . . .
. . . a . . . .
. . a   a . . .
. a . . . a . .
. a a . . a a .
let stickPerson2 = stickPerson1.clone()

let showPerson1 = sprites.create(stickPerson1)
let showPerson2 = sprites.create(stickPerson2)
showPerson2.y = showPerson1.y + 16

See also
