get Pixel

Get the color number of a pixel at a location in an image.

image.create(0, 0).getPixel(0, 0)


  • x: a number that’s the horziontal position of the pixel.
  • y: a number that’s the vertical position of the pixel.


  • a number that’s the color of the pixel at location x and y in the image. The color number is a value between 0 and 15.


Randomly fill an image with different colors. Change the color of a pixel in the middle if it’s yellow.

let showColors: Sprite = null
let randoColors: Image = null
randoColors = image.create(16, 16)
for (let y = 0; y <= 15 - 1; y++) {
    for (let x = 0; x <= 15 - 1; x++) {
        randoColors.setPixel(x, y, Math.randomRange(0, 15))
if (randoColors.getPixel(8, 8) == 14) {
    randoColors.setPixel(8, 8, 1)

See also

image, set pixel