
Play a built-in melody continuously.


A melody will play and will continue to replay until it’s stopped with the stop function.

There are several built-in melodies which you can play in your game. When using blocks, a melody is chosen from a dropdown list. In JavaScript, an instance of one of the built-in melodies is referenced in your code. You call the loop function from that instance of the melody, just like this:


Your program continues immediately after the melody begins looping.

To understand how melodies are created for use in arcade, take a look at the developer sound page.


  • volume: an optional sound volume for looping the melody. The volume range is from 0 to 255. The default volume value is 128.


I’ll loop ‘BaDing’

Loop the built-in sound called BaDing.


Loop ‘Power Up’ at full volume

Play the power up sound at a volume of 255.


See also

play, play until done, stop
