background Color

Get the background color of the screen.


The background color is the color painted behind other images shown on the screen.

Color number

There are 16 colors available to choose from. These colors are set in the current color pallete. The pallete contains a collection of colors, each of which have an index number from 0 to 15. The index is also known as the color number. Unless the pallete is changed, the pallete has these colors as the default:

  • 0: transparent
  • 1: white
  • 2: red
  • 3: pink
  • 4: orange
  • 5: yellow
  • 6: teal
  • 7: green
  • 8: blue
  • 9: light blue
  • 10: purple
  • 11: light purple
  • 12: dark purple
  • 13: tan
  • 14: brown
  • 15: black


  • a number which is the the color set as the screen background color.


Show a purple square on the screen. Every second, switch the background color between light and dark.

let showSquare: Sprite = null
let purpleSquare: Image = null
let toggle = false
toggle = true
purpleSquare = image.create(32, 32)
showSquare = sprites.create(purpleSquare)
game.onUpdateInterval(1000, function () {
    scene.setBackgroundColor((scene.backgroundColor() + 1) % 2) //toggle between 0 and 1


See also

set background color