{3. Check Your Screen!}
- :binoculars: Look at your project in the game window to see what your code has done.
You should see two rows of memory bubbles lining the top of the game window.
{4. Add Bubble}
Let’s add a memory bubble to aim.
- :dot circle: Open the
||bubble: Bubble||
category in the toolbox and grab
||bubble:load new bubble||
then snap it inside at the end of the
||loops(noclick): on start||
block already in the workspace.
~hint ⁉️ No bubbles showing?
This game relies on setting the scene before you add your main bubble. If you don’t see anything loaded in your game window, you may have instructions in the wrong order.
Check to see that your code looks like this:
{5. Gaming with Joy}
Add your emotion!
To do this, we’ll need to add a sprite to the bottom of the screen.
~hint What’s a sprite? 💡
In Arcade, each character or image that does something is called a SPRITE.
Sprites have properties that you can use and change – things like scale, position, and lifespan are all properties of sprites.
Our characters will be sprites, too.
- :paper plane: Open the
category and drag
||variables(sprites):set [mySprite] to sprite [ ] of kind [Player]||
into the end of the
||loops(noclick): on start||
container already in the workspace.
💡 To change sprites, click the character in the box and look under the Gallery tab.
let mySprite = sprites.create(io2_images.joy, SpriteKind.Player)
{6. Check Your Game!}
- :binoculars: Take a look at the game window again.
Your sprite should be in the middle of the screen.
In the next step, we’ll move it to a location that makes it look like it’s aiming the bubble.
{7. Gaming with Joy}
Move your sprite.
Let’s add a block to make sure that the top of the sprite is right below the memory bubble.
- :paper plane: Open the
category and drag
||sprites:set [mySprite] [top] to [102]||
into the end of the
||loops(noclick): on start||
container already in the workspace.
~hint Why 102? 🤷🏽♀️
The coordinates of our screen go from 0 at the top to 120 at the very bottom.
Since we want just a little bit of our character peeking up from below, we’ll set the top of our character to 102 so it rests just below the bubble that we will be aiming.
let mySprite = sprites.create(io2_images.joy, SpriteKind.Player)
mySprite.top = 102
{8. Aim the Bubble Right}
Now that everything is on screen, it’s time to aim your shot.
- :game: Open the
category and drag the
||controller:on [right] button [repeat]||
bundle into an empty area of the workspace.
You should be able to aim your bubble further to the right.
controller.right.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Repeated, function () {
{9. Aim the Bubble Left}
- :game: Open the
category and drag another
||controller:on [right] button [repeat]||
bundle into an empty area of the workspace.
- :mouse pointer: Change both right options to say left.
~hint There’s another way 💡
Did you know that you can also right-click to duplicate code that’s already in the workspace? Try it with the
||controller:on [right] button [repeat]||
container and make your edits to turn it into a
||controller:on [left] button [repeat]||
container with a
||bubble: change angle [left]||
block inside.
You should now be able to aim your bubble further to the left.
controller.left.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Repeated, function () {
{10. Time to Toss}
Time to toss!
- :game: Open the
category and drag the
||controller:on [A] button [pressed]||
bundle into an empty area of the workspace.
controller.A.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {
controller.A.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {
{11. Test!}
- :binoculars: Test your game.
You should be able to toss a bubble in the direction it’s aimed when you press either the (A) button or the space bar.
Give it a try!
💡 Notice that your bubble doesn’t properly stick where it hits, yet. There’s also no option to throw another bubble. We’ll fix both of those things in the steps that follow.
controller.A.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {
{12. Connecting Bubbles}
Time to make the memories stick!
We want the bubbles to stick whenever they connect to the top wall or to another bubble.
- :tree: Open the
||scene: Scene||
category and grab the
||scene:on [sprite] of kind [Bubble] ...||
bundle and drop it into an empty area of the workspace.
controller.A.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {
scene.onHitWall(SpriteKind.Bubble, function (sprite, location) {
bubble.stick_to_wall(sprite, location)
{13. Check Your Screen!}
- :binoculars: Take a shot in the game window!
When your bubble hits a grouping at the top, it should stick! If that grouping has three or more of the same color, you should also get points as they pop.
{14. Need a Refill?}
Let’s load a new bubble every time we toss the old one.
- :dot circle: Open the
||bubble: Bubble||
category in the toolbox and grab
||bubble:load new bubble||
then snap it inside at the end of the
||controller(noclick):on [A] button [pressed]||
container already in the workspace.
controller.A.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {
controller.A.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {
{15. Test It}
- :binoculars: Time to play your finished game!
Aim your bubble using the arrow keys, then toss with the (A) button or space bar.
Can you clear the board fast enough to get a bonus?
~hint Want to add more? 🫧
Feel like going above and beyond? There are enough blocks in the toolbox to make these customizations:
- Add music in the background
- Add a background color to the board
- Win the game by reaching a score instead of clearing the board
- Change your character with each new ball
controller.A.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {
🥳 Great Job 🥳
You have finished the tutorial!
When you’re ready, click Done to share your game with family and friends!
let characters: Image[] = []
let mySprite = sprites.create(io2_images.joy, SpriteKind.Player)
mySprite.top = 102
controller.right.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Repeated, function () {
music.play(music.createSong(hex`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`), music.PlaybackMode.LoopingInBackground)
scene.onHitWall(SpriteKind.Bubble, function (sprite, location) {
bubble.stick_to_wall(sprite, location)
characters = [io2_images.joy, io2_images.anger, io2_images.envy, io2_images.fear]
mySprite.setImage(characters[randint(0, characters.length - 1)])
let characters: Image[] = []
scene.onHitWall(SpriteKind.Bubble, function (sprite, location) {
bubble.stick_to_wall(sprite, location)
music.play(music.melodyPlayable(music.baDing), music.PlaybackMode.UntilDone)
controller.A.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {
controller.right.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Repeated, function () {
info.onScore(100, function () {
game.setGameOverEffect(true, effects.confetti)
game.setGameOverPlayable(true, music.melodyPlayable(music.powerUp), false)
game.setGameOverMessage(true, "GAME OVER!")
controller.left.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Repeated, function () {
music.play(music.createSong(hex`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`), music.PlaybackMode.LoopingInBackground)
let mySprite = sprites.create(io2_images.joy, SpriteKind.Player)
mySprite.top = 102
characters = [io2_images.joy, io2_images.anger, io2_images.envy, io2_images.fear]
mySprite.setImage(characters[randint(0, characters.length - 1)])
"palette": [