Time Flies

{Introduction @showdialog}

Are you ready to make a quick, fun game that uses a timer?

Let’s get to it!

Animated picture of a frog trying to catch a fly

{2. Add Background}

Before you add a frog, it’s going to need a place to sit 🐸

  • :tree: From the ||scene:Scene|| category, grab
    ||scene: set background image to [ ]||
    and snap it into the
    ||loops(noclick):on start|| container already in the workspace.

  • :paint brush: Click the empty grey box to open the image editor.

💡 You can draw a background or you can switch to the Gallery tab at the top and choose one that has already been created.

  • :mouse pointer: Click Next when you’re ready for the next instruction.

{3. Add a Sprite}

Time for a hero!

  • :paper plane: From ||sprites:Sprites||, drag
    ||variables:set [frog] to sprite [ ] of kind [Player]||
    into the end of the
    ||loops(noclick):on start|| container.

  • :paint brush: Click the empty grey box ito open the image editor.

💡 Switch to the Gallery tab to choose the same frog we use, or draw one of your own!

let frog = sprites.create(flies_imgs.frog, SpriteKind.Player)

4. Try It

Take a look at your Game Window in the bottom right corner.

Is your frog sitting where you want it? If not, you can fix it in the next step.

{5. Set Position}

  • :paper plane: If you don’t like where your sprite has ended up, snap a
    ||sprites:set [frog] position to x [80] y [60]||
    block into the end of the
    ||loops(noclick):on start|| container.
  • :mouse pointer: Play with the x (horizontal) and/or y (vertical) positions until your sprite appears where you want it.
# BlocksExistValidator
* Enabled: false
let frog: Sprite = null
frog = sprites.create(flies_imgs.frog, SpriteKind.Player)
frog.setPosition(85, 80)

{6. Add a Fly}

😋 It’s snack time
The frog needs something to eat.

  • :paper plane: Snap a
    ||variables(sprites):set [fly] to sprite [ ] of kind [Player]||
    block into the end of the
    ||loops(noclick):on start|| container.

  • :paper plane: Click the empty grey box to open the image editor and draw a flying insect.

💡 Or switch to the Gallery tab at the top and choose a fly that has already been created.

  • :mouse pointer: The kind of the fly should be Food.
let fly = sprites.create(flies_imgs.fly, SpriteKind.Food)
let frog: Sprite = null
let fly: Sprite = null
frog = sprites.create(flies_imgs.frog, SpriteKind.Player)
frog.setPosition(85, 80)
fly = sprites.create(flies_imgs.fly, SpriteKind.Food)

{7. Get It Moving}

😴 There’s no challenge if the fly just sits there

  • :paper plane: To get the fly moving, snap a
    ||sprites:set [fly] velocity to vx [50] vy [50]||
    into the the end of the
    ||loops(noclick):on start|| container.

  • :mouse pointer: Add some excitement by choosing larger numbers for both velocity directions (vx and vy).

💡 Anything between 100 and 200 is entertaining.

let fly = sprites.create(flies_imgs.fly, SpriteKind.Food)
let frog: Sprite = null
let fly: Sprite = null
frog = sprites.create(flies_imgs.frog, SpriteKind.Player)
frog.setPosition(85, 80)
fly = sprites.create(flies_imgs.fly, SpriteKind.Food)
fly.setVelocity(200, 100)

{8. Try It}

👀 Try your game again

Does it do what you expected? Did the fly leave the screen too fast for you to see?

let fly = sprites.create(flies_imgs.fly, SpriteKind.Food)

{9. Bounce}

🕐 That didn’t last long

To give the frog a fighting chance, we’ll want to keep the fly on screen.

  • :paper plane: From ||sprites:Sprites||, grab a
    ||sprites:set [fly] bounce on wall <on>||
    block and snap it into the the end of the
    ||loops(noclick):on start|| container.
let fly = sprites.create(flies_imgs.fly, SpriteKind.Food)
let frog: Sprite = null
let fly: Sprite = null
frog = sprites.create(flies_imgs.frog, SpriteKind.Player)
frog.setPosition(85, 80)
fly = sprites.create(flies_imgs.fly, SpriteKind.Food)
fly.setVelocity(200, 100)

{10. Press the Button}

We want to press the button to catch the fly!

  • :game: From ||controller:Controller||, drag
    ||controller:on [A] button [pressed]||
    out into an empty spot in the workspace.

  • :random: Inside the new
    ||controller(noclick):on [A] button [pressed]||
    container, drop a
    ||logic:if <true> then / else||
    block (from the ||logic:Logic|| category).

let fly = sprites.create(flies_imgs.fly, SpriteKind.Food)
controller.A.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {
    if (true) {
    } else {

{11. Get It?}

  • :paper plane: From ||sprites:Sprites||, grab
    ||sprites:<[frog] overlaps with [fly]>||
    and drop it in to replace <true> in the
    ||logic(noclick):if <true> then / else|| block.
let fly = sprites.create(flies_imgs.fly, SpriteKind.Food)
let frog: Sprite = null
let fly: Sprite = null
controller.A.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {
if (frog.overlapsWith(fly)) {
    } else {

{12. Check for Flies}

When we press the Ⓐ button, one of two things could be happening:

  • The fly will be overlapping the frog and we win the game with a snack
  • The fly will not be overlapping the frog and our player will lose a life

  • :circle: To create the first case, drag
    ||game:game over <WIN>||
    into the top (if) section of the
    ||logic:if <frog overlaps with fly> then / else||

  • :id card: For the second case, drag
    ||info:change life by -1||
    into the bottom (else) section of the
    ||logic:if <frog overlaps with fly> then / else|| block.

let fly = sprites.create(flies_imgs.fly, SpriteKind.Food)
let frog: Sprite = null
let fly: Sprite = null
controller.A.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {
    if (frog.overlapsWith(fly)) {
    } else {

{Step 13}

👀 Try your game in the simulator

How is it shaping up? Do you lose a life if the fly isn’t over the frog when you press (A)? Do you win the game if it is?

let fly = sprites.create(flies_imgs.fly, SpriteKind.Food)

{Step 14}

⌚ Don’t be late

Add a sense of urgency by including a countdown timer.

  • :id card: From ||info:Info||, grab
    ||info:start countown [10]s||
    and drag it to the end of the
    ||loops:on start|| container.

Now you have exactly 10 seconds to catch the fly before the game ends!

let fly = sprites.create(flies_imgs.fly, SpriteKind.Food)
let frog: Sprite = null
let fly: Sprite = null
frog = sprites.create(flies_imgs.frog, SpriteKind.Player)
frog.setPosition(85, 80)
fly = sprites.create(flies_imgs.fly, SpriteKind.Food)
fly.setVelocity(200, 100)

{Step 15}

🎉 Congratulations

You’ve made a game that tests your timing!

When you’re finished coding, click Done to share with family and friends, or look at the challenges below for suggestions on modding your game.

  • :question: Try adding a block to change the number of lives you start with.

  • :question: Instead of only one fly, start with three and have one disappear each time you lose a life.

  • :question: Change the theme so that instead of a frog catching flies, it’s something entirely different!

# BlocksExistValidator
let fly: Sprite = null
let frog = sprites.create(img`.`, SpriteKind.Player)
frog.setPosition(80, 60)
fly.setVelocity(200, 100)

controller.A.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Pressed, function () { })
if (false) { } else { }

let list = sprites.allOfKind(SpriteKind.Food)
for (let index = 0; index <= 4; index++) {

for (let index = 0; index < 4; index++) {

controller.A.onEvent(ControllerButtonEvent.Pressed, function () {
    if (frog.overlapsWith(fly)) {
    } else {
let frog: Sprite = null
let fly: Sprite = null
frog = sprites.create(flies_imgs.frog, SpriteKind.Player)
frog.setPosition(85, 80)
fly = sprites.create(flies_imgs.fly, SpriteKind.Food)
fly.setVelocity(200, 100)

list = sprites.allOfKind(SpriteKind.Food)
    for (let index = 0; index <= 4; index++) {

    for (let index = 0; index < 4; index++) {

    music.play(music.createSong(hex`00780004080200`), music.PlaybackMode.UntilDone)
music.play(music.createSong(hex`0078000408020100001c00010a006400f4016400000400000000000000000000000000050000041e0000000400012a04000800012708000c00012410001400012218001c000120`), music.PlaybackMode.UntilDone)
music.play(music.createSoundEffect(WaveShape.Sine, 5000, 0, 255, 0, 500, SoundExpressionEffect.None, InterpolationCurve.Linear), music.PlaybackMode.UntilDone)