is Pressed

Check if a button is being pressed or not.



  • a boolean: true if the button is pressed, false if the button is not pressed.


Ramdomly move a yellow box around the screen while the A button is pressed.

Single player

let yellowBox = sprites.create(img`
e e e e e e
e 1 1 1 1 e
e 1 6 6 1 e
e 1 6 6 1 e
e 1 1 1 1 e
e e e e e e
game.onUpdate(function () {
    if (controller.A.isPressed()) {
        yellowBox.x = Math.randomRange(3, scene.screenWidth() - 3)
        yellowBox.y = Math.randomRange(3, scene.screenHeight() - 3)


let yellowBox = sprites.create(img`
e e e e e e
e 1 1 1 1 e
e 1 6 6 1 e
e 1 6 6 1 e
e 1 1 1 1 e
e e e e e e
game.onUpdate(function () {
    if (controller.player2.isPressed(ControllerButton.A)) {

        yellowBox.x = Math.randomRange(3, scene.screenWidth() - 3)
        yellowBox.y = Math.randomRange(3, scene.screenHeight() - 3)

See also

on event